So I thought I would make a fun little henna'd frame for my nieces birthday. It turned out UGGGGGGGLY. The henna started the flake off, leaving bleached-out lines and designs
instead of the dark raised look I was going for.
(This is was I was going for)
As I tried to decide if it was going to end up on "" I went ahead and put a coat of Mod Podge over it.
After I covered it in glue- I decided it sucked too bad and tossed it on a shelf.
Three- four- five? weeks later... I found it... and to my surprise, it still sucked BUT the henna had darkened under the Mod Podge.
This opens up some interesting ideas in my head...... Every brown line.... was WHITE when I glued it!!!
(This is how it ended up)
Yes, I still sent it to her LOL
And YES; it will still probley end up on ""