Every year the artists who frequent the Hennapage.com do a gift swap. Every year is a challenge to make a nice gift that is somewhat Henna related. The swap was getting closer and closer and not only did I have no idea what I was going to do, I had no idea WHO I was doing it for.
Time was getting short and I knew I was going to have to start my gift without knowing who it was going to be for. It's hard enough trying to make something for someone you might not know very well, or even at all, but to try and make something so generic anyone would like it, male or female... way difficult.
Mickey P and I made one of our ONLY trips out shopping this year in early November to try and find inspiration. Next to any Goodwill or craft store, the World Market is my weakness! It's cheaper than Pier One, Stocks more authentic stuff, and has a great cultural mix of EVERYTHING. The World Market NEVER lets me down for inspiration!
So, Mickey-P and I are digging through the toy section and this wonderfully soft elephant looks at me. We are talking the softest, sweetest, more adorable stuffed elephant in the world. And, in a lightbulb moment, I knew what I was going to do and who I was going to do it for.
There is a group called Henna Caravan and their mascot is an elephant. http://www.hennacaravan.com/ So I figured I would make this sweet little Elly a henna-embellished silk blanket and a head piece and really make her pretty in hopes I would land a Henna Caravan chick as my secret Santa. In particular I wanted to be the Santa for Flavia, the mommy of the Caravan's leader. Flavia is sweet as hell and works allot with the henna on silk. She did this piece... which was my inspiration. http://www.flickr.com/photos/14240015@N07/1449508782/
I drag home the Elephant and start to work. I almost complete her, then I find out who I am the Secret Santa for. Not only was it NOT a Henna Caravan Chick, it was someone I had no idea about what-so-ever. My heart said, " Oh HELL no, dyp, not happening, you can't send the elephant to her." The Elephant could not be given to a stranger! There was no question in my mind at all, no hesitation in the least, (which for me, never happens. I can't even pick out Jelly at the store without having a 40 min debate with myself about what kind, how much & what brand.)
In my mind the elephant already had a family with Flavia and the crew at Henna Caravan and she HAD to go home to them. Flavia graciously gave me her address, not knowing what I was up to. ( Brave Flavia!!!)
I am very happy to report, the elephant's long journey came to an end today when I got this email from Flavia:
"I can not believe how wonderfully thoughtful and creative you are!What a fabulous gift to us.Who would think we would be so jumping up and down with glee over a stuffed elly?You have certainly outdone everyone else, this is definatly the best gift this year.
Oh , wow!! We are so excited!! THank you , thank you , thank you. When she has gotten over her jet lag, Jessica is going to have aphoto shoot and post pictures of her in her new home.
wooopiiiieeee , we love her.
So- that is the story of the Elly. Here is her picture.
She is nothing amazing, but she has allot of heart and really made some people I admire and love happy.
In the end that is what it is all about. The art and the crafting they are just physical manifestations of invisable pieces of ourselves we give to other people. Nothing in this world is a better gift.